Legacy Gifts

Leaving a legacy to Steel City Choristers is a powerful act of generosity that will help keep choral music alive for generations to come.

Leave a Legacy: Pass on the Gift of Music

We believe in the power of music to change lives. Choral music in particular has a special way of touching our hearts, lifting our spirits, and connecting us with each other. By leaving a gift to Steel City Choristers in your will, you can ensure that your love of music lives on, enriching future generations and supporting our mission to share the joy of choral music.

Why leave a legacy

Leaving a legacy gift is a powerful way to make a lasting impact. Your generosity will help us:

  • Inspire and train the next generation: providing young people with a free high quality musical education in the choral tradition with the chance to discover the joy of singing in a vibrant all age choral community
  • Serve churches and other communities across Sheffield and beyond: reaching out to bring the beauty and transformative power of choral music to those who may not otherwise experience it
  • Sustain the English choral tradition: through our innovative and pioneering community-led model that puts people first based on our CARE values of Community, Achievement, Resilience and Enjoyment.

Your legacy will be a testament to your passion for music and your commitment to its future.

How to leave us gift in your will

Leaving a legacy gift is easier than you might think, and even a small gift can make a big difference. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Talk to your loved ones: we know that caring for your family and friends comes first. After taking care of those closest to you, we hope you’ll consider supporting Steel City Choristers too.
  2. Speak to a solicitor: a solicitor can guide you through the process of adding a charitable gift to your will, and ensure your wishes are clearly expressed.
  3. Decide on your gift: you can choose to leave a fixed sum, a percentage of your estate, or a specific item of value. Every gift, large or small, will help us share the joy of music with future generations.
  4. Include our details: you will need the following information to ensure your gift reaches us:

Charity Name: Steel City Choristers
Charity Number: 1195909
Registered Address: 2 The Grove, Sheffield, S17 4AS

Let us thank you

If you decide to include Steel City Choristers in your will, we’d love to hear from you. While there’s no obligation to tell us, it would mean a great deal to us to know about your generosity. We’d love the chance to say thank you and keep you updated on how your kindness will make a difference.