Trips & Tours
We are excited to be singing in Winchester, St Paul’s and Berlin Cathedrals in 2024-25!
“It is a real testimony to the quality of the choir that Steel City Choristers has been accepted to sing at such prestigious places as Winchester, St Paul’s and Berlin Cathedrals. Over many years I have seen evidence of the huge value of going away on tour and making music intensively together, both for each child involved and for the music group as a whole. I strongly commend Steel City Choristers’ forthcoming tours as worthy of anyone’s financial support.”
Ian Naylor, Head of Music Education, Sheffield Music Hub
Why we go on tour
Tours and other trips are a real highlight in our young people’s musical education, creating experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. As well as being great fun, they are a valuable opportunity to really stretch and develop the musical standard of the choir and amplify significantly all of the benefits that each young person gains from singing with Steel City Choristers, including their:
- Musicality – Making music intensively on tour helps young people make huge progress with their singing as they are inspired to sing to the best of their ability in beautiful and prestigious surroundings, raising their expectations of what they can achieve.
- Stamina and resilience – To sing at the top of their game day after day young people have to work hard physically and concentrate mentally, fully applying themselves to the task of learning and performing the music for numerous services and concerts to the high standard that cathedrals and other venues expect.
- Relationship and teamwork skills – Spending time away together as a community helps our young people learn how to both live alongside others and take responsibility for making a positive and active contribution to a team.
We ask parents who can afford it to contribute to the cost of our tours, but always aim to raise money in other ways so that no young person is prevented from coming for financial reasons.
Forthcoming Trips & Tours

Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral
5 April 2025
We have been booked as the visiting choir to sing Choral Evensong at St Paul’s on Saturday 5 April 2025. We expect to travel to London together by coach inside the day.

Choir tour to Berlin
4 August to 10 August 2025
We are delighted to have been booked to sing the morning service at Berlin Cathedral on Sunday 10 August 2025. We also have plans for a range of other recital and concerts in and around Berlin over the course of the week.
We will be staying at a Youth Hostel and plan a range of cultural and social activities in between our singing.
Further details coming soon!
Past Trips & Tours

Residency at Winchester Cathedral
28 October – 1 November 2024
In October half-term 2024, we were the choir in residence at Winchester Cathedral, singing the daily service of Choral Evensong.
We stayed at a Scout Activity Centre just outside Winchester enabling our choristers to enjoy a range of fun and enriching activities on site as well as in the wider local area before travelling into Winchester to sing each day.
Weekend residence at Ripon Cathedral
July 2023
We enjoyed our first residential tour as we sang a weekend of services at Ripon Cathedral.
The Saturday was the day of the St Wilfrid’s Procession, celebrating Ripon’s patronal saint, and the town was taken over by floats and people in fancy dress. Dinosaurs, superheroes and 80s dancers came into the cathedral for a short service and presentation, before a quieter group stayed on for Evensong. Sunday was a bigger day musically, with a Eucharist service and Sunday Evensong. You can watch the morning service on YouTube here.
Revd Canon Michael Gisbourne, Canon Precentor, said:
“On behalf of the Dean and Chapter of Ripon Cathedral, thank you for visiting Ripon and enhancing the worship of the congregations over the weekend. It was excellent. So many people were impressed with the quality and tone of your music. It is a phenomenal achievement to produce the standard of music you did, which was on a par with cathedral standards without the resources usually associated with a cathedral music foundation. You are all to be congratulated on the work that has been put in to create a choir that is has professional standards and with all choir members seeming to enjoy the experience so much.”